With over a decade of experience in various activities related to software and services for the banking industry in Asia-Pacific, Wouter Delbaere is accountable for the overall success of the [...]
James has served Vermeg (formerly Lombard Risk) over many years in various roles, and is now Global Head of Regulatory Strategy. He follows evolving regulatory demands and their impact on [...]
Ms Yvonne Mok is a Director of the Intermediaries Supervision Department at the SFC. She joined the Department back in June 1989 fresh from London where she had worked as an auditor at KPMG, [...]
Jean-Remi Lopez is the Director of Government Relations for Asia Pacific at DTCC. Based in Hong Kong and appointed to head the government relations function for the region in January 2016, he is [...]
Mark Austen is the Chief Executive Officer of the Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA). Since joining ASIFMA in 2012, he has led the expansion of the association [...]