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ASIFMA Training Series Season 5: Asia Financial Markets Explained

Boon Ngiap Lee
Assistant Managing Director, Capital Markets Group
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
Mr Lee Boon Ngiap is Assistant Managing Director of the Capital Markets Group, overseeing the regulation and supervision of capital markets. The group is responsible for the licensing and supervision of exchanges, clearing houses and capital markets intermediaries. Mr Lee also oversees the Enforcement Department, which is responsible for enforcement actions arising from regulatory breaches of MAS’ banking, insurance and capital markets regulations. Prior to his appointment, Mr Lee headed the Banking & Insurance Group, which supervises banks and insurance companies in Singapore.
Mr Lee has served in various other functions in MAS. He started in the Reserve & Monetary Management Department, where his responsibilities included the conduct of Singapore’s monetary policy and management of the foreign exchange exposures of public sector entities. He subsequently headed a team responsible for the development of regulatory policies for the securities, futures and asset management industries in Singapore. He also served a stint as head of the MAS Representative Office in London.