Sinsiri Thangsombat
Assurance Leader
PwC Thailand
Sinsiri is an assurance partner at PwC Thailand. She serves as the Assurance Leader who oversees all assurance services of the firm and leads more than 1,300 professionals that make up PwC’s Assurance practice.
Sinsiri joined the firm in 1999 and has extensive experiences in auditing financial statements and has provided financial consulting to banks, funds, asset management companies, life and non-life insurers and other financial institutions. Her technical knowledge also spans the area of financial reporting, accounting advisory, GAAP conversion, governance and internal controls, operational strategy, operations management, business development, and public offerings.
Viewed as Trusted Advisor to her clients and in the industries, Sinsiri has been appointed as the advisor to numerous accounting and business transformation projects. She has profound understanding of treasury products, derivatives and hedge accounting. Her main areas of technical advice on accounting issues are within the context of Thai Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards, particularly on IFRS 9, IAS 39, IAS 32 and IFRS 7. She has been an accomplished speaker and often invited as a guest presenter in conferences,focusing on IFRS 9 requirements and implementation for PwC clients, regulators, and public seminars. Sinsiri leads IFRS 9 implementation for local banks as well as foreign bank branches. She also leads gap analysis on accounting for financial instruments or other IFRS for non-bank clients.
Sinsiri received a Bachelor of Business Administration, English Program, with first-class honours and a Master’s degree in Business Administration at Thammasat University. She is licensed as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and is qualified as an approved auditor by SEC.